

The ItemInfo high level resource is a collection of large number of attributes logically grouped into a resource. i.e. ItemInfo is a collection of resources where each resource contains several attributes.


All locales. However, the attributes returned varies with locale and the category of the item.

ItemInfo Container

The structure of attribute container inside the high level ItemInfo Resource is as follows:

  "ItemInfoResource": {
    "AttributeName": {
      "DisplayValue": "The display value of the particular attribute",
      "Label": "The attribute name in the specified locale",
      "Locale": "The locale in which the attribute is returned"

Response Elements

Resource Name Description
ByLineInfo Set of attributes that specifies basic information of the product.
Classifications Set of attributes that are used to classify an item into a particular category.
ContentInfo Set of attributes that are specific to the content like books, movies.
Content Rating Set of attributes that tell what age group is suitable to view said media.
ExternalIds Set of identifiers that is used globally to identify a particular product.
Features This attribute provides information about a product's key features.
ManufactureInfo Set of attributes that specifies manufacturing related information of an item
ProductInfo Set of attributes that describes non-technical aspects of the item.
TechnicalInfo Set of attributes that describes the technical aspects of the item.
Title The title of the product.
TradeInInfo Set of attributes that specifies trade-in information of an item.


Attribute Name Description
Brand This attribute represents the brand of the item.
Contributors This attribute represents the Contributors associated with the item. Use the RoleType parameter to filter by different types of role like author, actor, director etc.
Manufacturer This attribute represents the Manufacturer of the item.

Sample Response:

    "ItemInfo": {
        "ByLineInfo": {
            "Brand": {
                "DisplayValue": "West Bend",
                "Label": "Brand",
                "Locale": "en_US"
            "Manufacturer": {
                "DisplayValue": "Focus Electrics, LLC",
                "Label": "Manufacturer",
                "Locale": "en_US"
            "Contributors": [
                    "Locale": "de_DE",
                    "Name": "Daniel Radcliffe",
                    "Role": "Darsteller",
                    "RoleType": "actor"
                    "Locale": "en_US",
                    "Name": "Rupert Grint",
                    "Role": "Director",
                    "RoleType": "director"


Attribute Name Description
Binding Typically (but not always) similar to the product category.
ProductGroup This attribute represents the product category an item belongs to. The name of a category, such as sporting goods, to which an item in the cart belongs.

Sample Response:

    "ItemInfo": {
        "Classifications": {
            "Binding": {
                "DisplayValue": "Amazon Video",
                "Label": "Binding",
                "Locale": "en_GB"
            "ProductGroup": {
                "DisplayValue": "Video On Demand",
                "Label": "ProductGroup",
                "Locale": "en_GB"


Attribute Name Description
Edition This attribute represents edition or the version of the product.
Languages This attribute represents languages associated with the product
PagesCount This attribute represents the number of pages.
PublicationDate This attribute represents the date of publication of the product

Sample Response:

    "ItemInfo": {
        "ContentInfo": {
            "Edition": {
                "DisplayValue": "Slp",
                "Label": "Edition",
                "Locale": "en_US"
            "Languages": {
                "DisplayValues": [
                        "DisplayValue": "English",
                        "Type": "Published"
                        "DisplayValue": "English",
                        "Type": "Dictionary"
                "Label": "Language",
                "Locale": "en_GB"
            "PagesCount": {
                "DisplayValue": 4167,
                "Label": "NumberOfPages",
                "Locale": "en_US"
            "PublicationDate": {
                "DisplayValue": "2009-07-01T00:00:01Z",
                "Label": "PublicationDate",
                "Locale": "en_US"


Attribute Name Description
AudienceRating Audience rating for a movie. The rating suggests the age for which the movie is appropriate.

Sample Response:

    "ItemInfo": {
        "ContentRating": {
            "AudienceRating": {
                "DisplayValue": "PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)",
                "Label": "AudienceRating",
                "Locale": "en_GB"


Attribute Name Description
EANs European Article Number, which is a number that uniquely identifies an item.
ISBNs The international standard book number associated with the product, consisting of a 10-digit alphanumeric string
UPCs 12-digit number found below the product's bar code

Sample Response:

    "ItemInfo": {
        "ExternalIds": {
            "EANs": {
                "DisplayValues": [
                "Label": "EAN",
                "Locale": "en_US"
            "ISBNs": {
                "DisplayValues": [
                "Label": "ISBN",
                "Locale": "en_US"
            "UPCs": {
                "DisplayValues": [
                "Label": "UPC",
                "Locale": "en_US"


Sample Response:

    "ItemInfo": {
        "Features": {
            "Label": "Features",
            "Locale": "en_US",
            "DisplayValues": [
                "Vented clear cover doubles as a 6-quart capacity popcorn bowl",
                "Stir rod is motorized and improves popping, get more popped corn, larger kernels per batch",
                "Convenient nesting lid is ideal for small storage"


Attribute Name Description
ItemPartNumber This attribute represents the item's part number, which is sometimes the same as the model number
Model This attribute represents the item's model name
Warranty This attribute represents information related to the warranty provided for the product

Sample Response:

    "ItemInfo": {
        "ManufactureInfo": {
            "ItemPartNumber": {
                "DisplayValue": "MG4H2B/A",
                "Label": "PartNumber",
                "Locale": "en_US"
            "Model": {
                "DisplayValue": "6",
                "Label": "Model",
                "Locale": "en_US"
            "Warranty": {
                "DisplayValue": "No Manufacturer Warranty for this phone.",
                "Label": "Warranty",
                "Locale": "en_US"


Attribute Name Description
Color This attribute indicates the color of the product
IsAdultProduct Indicates if the product is considered to be for adults only.
ItemDimensions Height, Length, Weight, and Width of the item.
ReleaseDate Date on which the item was latest released
Size This attribute provides information related to the size of the item
UnitCount This attribute represents the total number of identical items that are in the selling unit.

Sample Response:

    "ItemInfo": {
        "ProductInfo": {
            "Color": {
                "DisplayValue": "brown trunk",
                "Label": "Color",
                "Locale": "en_US"
            "IsAdultProduct": {
                "DisplayValue": false,
                "Label": "IsAdultProduct",
                "Locale": "en_US"
            "ItemDimensions": {
                "Height": {
                    "DisplayValue": 13.9,
                    "Label": "Height",
                    "Locale": "en_GB",
                    "Unit": "inches"
                "Length": {
                    "DisplayValue": 18,
                    "Label": "Length",
                    "Locale": "en_GB",
                    "Unit": "inches"
                "Weight": {
                    "DisplayValue": 20,
                    "Label": "Weight",
                    "Locale": "en_GB",
                    "Unit": "Pounds"
                "Width": {
                    "DisplayValue": 7.7,
                    "Label": "Width",
                    "Locale": "en_GB",
                    "Unit": "inches"
            "ReleaseDate": {
                "DisplayValue": "2013-03-01T00:00:00.000Z",
                "Label": "ReleaseDate",
                "Locale": "en_US"
            "Size": {
                "DisplayValue": "Small",
                "Label": "Size",
                "Locale": "en_US"
            "UnitCount": {
                "DisplayValue": 1,
                "Label": "NumberOfItems",
                "Locale": "en_US"


Attribute Name Description
Formats Formats is used in various ways depending on the category to assist in describing an item. Format can be 4K, Blu-Ray, etc for Video, Kindle,PaperBack for books and so on
EnergyEfficiencyClass Energy efficiency of the product. It can have various values based on the product’s type.

Sample Response:

    "ItemInfo": {
        "TechnicalInfo": {
            "Formats": {
                "DisplayValues": [
                    "Box set"
                "Label": "Format",
                "Locale": "en_GB"
    "ItemInfo": {
        "TechnicalInfo": {
            "EnergyEfficiencyClass": {
                "DisplayValue": "a_plus",
                "Label": "EnergyEfficiencyClass",
                "Locale": "en_GB"


Sample Response:

    "ItemInfo": {
        "Title": {
            "DisplayValue": "West Bend 82505 Stir Crazy Popcorn Popper, 6-Quart",
            "Label": "Title",
            "Locale": "en_US"


Attribute Name Description
IsEligibleForTradeIn Specifies whether or not the item is eligible for trade-in.
Price Specifies trade-in price of the item. This includes amount, currency and display amount of the trade-in price.

Sample Response:

    "ItemInfo": {
        "TradeInInfo": {
            "IsEligibleForTradeIn": true,
            "Price": {
                 "Amount": 24.05,
                 "Currency": "USD",
                 "DisplayAmount": "$24.05"

Relevant Operations

Operations that can use these resources include:

Sample Use Cases

Example 1

Get the title of an item in default locale.

Request Payload

    "PartnerTag": "xyz-20",
    "ItemIds": ["B00KL8SM92"],
    "Resources": ["ItemInfo.Title"]


  "ItemsResult": {
    "Items": [
        "ASIN": "B00KL8SM92",
        "DetailPageURL": "",
        "ItemInfo": {
          "Title": {
            "DisplayValue": "West Bend 82505 Stir Crazy Popcorn Popper, 6-Quart",
            "Label": "Title",
            "Locale": "en_US"

Example 2

Get the title of the product in preferred language of preference.

Request Payload

    "PartnerTag": "xyz-20",
    "ItemIds": ["8424916514"],
    "LanguagesOfPreference": ["es_US"],
    "Resources": ["ItemInfo.Title"]


  "ItemsResult": {
    "Items": [
        "ASIN": "8424916514",
        "DetailPageURL": "",
        "ItemInfo": {
          "Title": {
            "DisplayValue": "Descripcion de Grecia / Description of Greece: Libros I-ii (Spanish Edition)",
            "Label": "Title",
            "Locale": "es_US"

Example 3

Get all the attributes related to an item.

Request Payload

    "PartnerTag": "xyz-20",
    "ItemIds": ["B00KL8SM92"],
    "Resources": [


  "ItemsResult": {
    "Items": [
        "ASIN": "B00KL8SM92",
        "DetailPageURL": "",
        "ItemInfo": {
          "ByLineInfo": {
            "Brand": {
              "DisplayValue": "West Bend",
              "Label": "Brand",
              "Locale": "en_US"
            "Manufacturer": {
              "DisplayValue": "West Bend",
              "Label": "Manufacturer",
              "Locale": "en_US"
          "Classifications": {
            "Binding": {
              "DisplayValue": "Cocina",
              "Label": "Binding",
              "Locale": "es_US"
            "ProductGroup": {
              "DisplayValue": "Cocina",
              "Label": "ProductGroup",
              "Locale": "es_US"
          "ContentInfo": {
            "Edition": {
              "DisplayValue": "Slp",
              "Label": "Edition",
              "Locale": "en_US"
          "ContentRating": {
            "AudienceRating": {
              "DisplayValue": "PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)",
              "Label": "AudienceRating",
              "Locale": "en_GB"
          "ExternalIds": {
            "EANs": {
              "DisplayValues": [
              "Label": "EAN",
              "Locale": "en_US"
            "UPCs": {
              "DisplayValues": [
              "Label": "UPC",
              "Locale": "en_US"
          "Features": {
            "DisplayValues": [
              "Vented clear cover doubles as a 6-quart capacity popcorn bowl",
              "Plate is nonstick Coated for easy clean up"
            "Label": "Features",
            "Locale": "en_US"
          "ManufactureInfo": {
            "ItemPartNumber": {
              "DisplayValue": "82505",
              "Label": "PartNumber",
              "Locale": "en_US"
            "Model": {
              "DisplayValue": "82505",
              "Label": "Model",
              "Locale": "en_US"
          "ProductInfo": {
            "Color": {
              "DisplayValue": "Red",
              "Label": "Color",
              "Locale": "en_US"
            "ItemDimensions": {
              "Height": {
                "DisplayValue": 10,
                "Label": "Height",
                "Locale": "en_US",
                "Unit": "inches"
              "Length": {
                "DisplayValue": 10,
                "Label": "Length",
                "Locale": "en_US",
                "Unit": "inches"
              "Weight": {
                "DisplayValue": 3.35,
                "Label": "Weight",
                "Locale": "en_US",
                "Unit": "pounds"
              "Width": {
                "DisplayValue": 13,
                "Label": "Width",
                "Locale": "en_US",
                "Unit": "inches"
            "Size": {
              "DisplayValue": "Stir Crazy",
              "Label": "Size",
              "Locale": "en_US"
            "UnitCount": {
              "DisplayValue": 1,
              "Label": "NumberOfItems",
              "Locale": "en_US"
          "TechnicalInfo": {
            "Formats": {
              "DisplayValues": [
                "Box set"
              "Label": "Format",
              "Locale": "en_GB"
          "Title": {
            "DisplayValue": "West Bend 82505 Stir Crazy Popcorn Popper, 6-Quart",
            "Label": "Title",
            "Locale": "en_US"
          "TradeInInfo": {
            "IsEligibleForTradeIn": true,
            "Price": {
              "Amount": 24.05,
              "Currency": "USD",
              "DisplayAmount": "$24.05"

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